The Origin of “Uncle Max”

I created The “Uncle Max” character to carry the message of joyful celebration of democracy in 1995. I conceived Uncle Max, as a combination of my Maternal Grandfather and my Father (and maybe some Aunts too, you should live and be well!) He debuted as a voice-over character for my voice submission tape that I gave to talent agencies.

After Donald Trump became president, I started a YouTube channel and Facebook Page called “What The Hell Just Happened?” This was a way for me to rail against what I saw as injustice and burgeoning autocracy. I eventually started writing a Substack Newsletter by the same name.

Uncle Max re-emerged as a vehicle for carrying snarky and cynical commentary about the political zeitgeist of the mid-decade. Wearing the Uncle Max mask allowed me to say things I wouldn’t say in my own persona. You can see him in action here:

Citizen Joy! became another forum for Uncle Max to share his ethnic wisdom and advice. While not always joyful, Max is ever optimistic about our prospects as a people and a country. He will, from time to time, find fun and funny ways to celebrate our amazing form of governance. Look for more from Uncle Max as we move Citizen Joy! into phase two of our mission. 


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